The Search for Sleep On Lengthy Flights


By Joe Sharkey

After the subject of poor airline service is exhausted, sleep, or the difficulty of getting enough of it, is what frequent business travelers talk about most.
將差勁的航空公司服務嫌到沒力之後- 經常出差的人聊最多的話題是在飛機- 睡覺,或在飛機上要睡到飽有多難。-

Once in an airport bar, a senior oil field worker, who traveled constantly, described to me his predicament on an 18-hour nonstop trip to Asia.
有次在一個機場吧台,經常旅行的一- 油田高級職員,向我大吐有次花18小- 直飛亞洲的苦水。

“I watched two movies, slept for five hours, ate three meals, got drunk twice, and I still wasn’t there, plus I had a hangover when I did get there,” he said wearily.
他不勝疲累地說:「我看了兩部電影- 睡了五個鐘頭、吃了三頓、醉了兩次- 結果還沒到目的地,真的抵達時,還- 外帶宿醉。」

That can’t be the right way to handle those increasingly long flights many people are taking. So I sought out some experts.
許多人搭機的時間越來越長,這絕非- 確的因應之道。所以我請教了專家。

“Your reaction time, your mood, your vigilance, your memory, your executive functioning are all affected adversely by not sleeping enough or having sleep that’s fragmented by having to wake up and start breathing again,” said Dr. Barbara Phillips, a professor of medicine at the University of Kentucky and medical director of the university’s Good Samaritan Health Care Sleep Laboratory.
肯塔基大學醫學教授與該校「好撒馬- 亞人醫療睡眠實驗室」醫學主任芭芭- ‧菲利普說:「睡眠不足,或是必須- 醒來換氣而導致睡眠斷斷續續時,對- 的反應時間、情緒、警覺性、記憶、- 行能力都有負面影響。」

Apnea, an ailment in which sleep is interrupted when the breathing passage constricts, is one of the major problems turning up in sleep medicine, said Dr. Phillips.
菲利普說,睡眠呼吸中止症,一種呼- 道阻塞造成睡眠中斷的疾病,是睡眠- 學一大明顯問題。

Another is jet lag, when the body’s biological clock does not correspond with local time – though travelers are far less likely to seek medical attention for that.
另一個問題是時差,身體的生理時鐘- 當地的時間不合。不過,很少旅客因- 時差就醫。

Many business travelers try to deal with jet lag and the difficulty of sleeping on planes by taking prescription medications like Ambien, whose generic name is zolpidem.
許多商務旅客會試圖使用處方藥,如- 名為佐沛眠的安眠藥Ambien,解決時差- 飛機上睡不好的問題。

Dr. Phillips cautions that its effects can last seven hours, creating a potential problem “when you’re on a five-hour flight to Atlanta.”
菲利普警告說,Ambien的藥效可持續七- 時,飛亞特蘭大只要五小時,服用可- 就會出問題。

Greg Belenky, director of the Sleep and Performance Research Center at the University of Washington, approves of the judicious use of medications like Ambien. He disapproves of alcohol as a sleep inducer on long flights.
華盛頓大學睡眠與表現研究中心主任- 雷格‧貝蘭奇贊成審慎服用Ambien這類- 藥物。他不主張長途飛行時藉由飲酒- 入眠。

“It’s more trouble than it’s worth,” he said. “Any alcohol will tend to disrupt sleep later in the evening.”
他說:「這樣做得不償失。任何酒精- 更晚時都可能打斷睡眠。」

One option, he said, is melatonin, a supplement available in health food stores, to mimic “a hormone that’s normally secreted in phase with the circadian rhythm when you’re in the dark and sleeping.”
他說,在健康食品店買得到的營養補- 品褪黑激素是選擇之一,它會模仿「- 種按照晝夜律動,正常時在黑暗與睡- 眠時才會分泌的荷爾蒙。」

Air travelers who suffer from sleep apnea can carry CPAP (for continuous positive airway pressure) machines, which have become more portable.
患有睡眠呼吸中止症的飛機旅客,可- 攜帶已變得更方便攜帶的正壓呼吸輔- 器CPAP(連續式正壓呼吸輔助)。

“The machines have shrunk by a third in size in the last few years,” said Johnny Goodman, co-founder (with his father, John Goodman) of, a retailer of portable medical devices to treat sleep apnea.
販售治療睡眠呼吸中止症攜帶型醫療- 置的零售商 的共同創辦人強尼‧古德曼說:「這- 機器這幾年來縮小了三分之一。」他- 父親約翰‧古德曼共同創辦公司。

The devices work like a reverse vacuum cleaner, pumping air through a hose and mask to keep breathing passages open during sleep.
這部機器就像是依反向原理運作的吸- 器,靠一根管子與面罩將空氣唧入,- 使用者在睡眠時,保持呼吸道暢通。-

I used to associate the symptoms of sleep apnea with comedy movies from the 1930s and ’40s. You know, the rumbling snore followed by comic blubbering and sudden cessation of breath.
睡眠呼吸中止症的症狀,總讓我聯想- 一九三○與四○年代的喜劇電影。你- 道的,就是鼾聲雷動後,接下來是滑- 稽的嗚咽聲,然後突然呼吸中斷。

“It’s actually not funny,” Dr. Phillips said. Sleep apnea, often the consequence of obesity but many times not, can have a long-term effect on the heart, but also creates short-term problems, including those facing business travelers.
菲利普說:「其實這件事並不好笑。- 通常由肥胖引起,但許多時候不是睡- 呼吸中止症,不僅對心臟有長期影響- ,還會製造短期問題,包括商務旅客- 現的問題。

As international air travel expands and nonstop routes become longer – some are 18 hours and more – sleep scientists are working with the airlines and regulatory authorities on fatigue management for airplane crews.
隨著國際空中旅行擴大,直飛航線越- 越長,有些甚至達到18個小時或更長- 睡眠學家正與航空公司與管理當局合- ,協助解決航空公司機組人員的疲勞- 管理問題。

As for passengers, all the prescriptions and proscriptions aside, one bit of advice here still holds. Business travelers dispatched by their companies on long airplane trips ought to fly in a degree of comfort.
至於乘客方面,除了規定及禁止事項- 外,有一項建議仍然適用。奉公司之- 出差的商務旅客,在飛長途時,應該- 享有某種程度的舒適。

Coach seats make sleep difficult. “It’s a problem sleeping upright,” Dr. Belenky said. “The flatter you can get, the better you’ll sleep. When sleeping upright in a tight seat,” he said, “the body has to push out adrenaline-like compounds to keep the blood flow to the brain adequate.”
飛機座椅並不好睡。貝蘭奇說:「直- 睡覺是個問題。躺得愈平,睡得愈好- 在硬梆梆的座椅上直立著睡,身體必- 須分泌更多的類腎上腺素化合物,才- 維持血液正常流向腦部。」

Dr. Phillips added: “My God, when I went to Australia, I took Ambien, melatonin and red wine. And I kind of did have a hangover when I got there. It’s hard to sleep on airplanes. The best treatment is to fly business class – and you can quote me on that.”
菲利普說:「我的天。我飛澳洲時,- 了安眠藥、褪黑激素,又喝了紅酒。- 達那裡時,還真有點宿醉的感覺。飛- 機上很難睡著。最好的方法是坐商務- 。沒錯,這是我說的。」

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A Deep Voice May Impart A Genetic Edge

嗓音低沈男人 基因優良子孫旺

By Nicholas Bakalar

A man with a deep voice may have a survival advantage, a better chance of passing on his genes.
嗓音低沉的人可能擁有生存優勢,繁- 其基因的機率較高。

Researchers have found that men with deeper voices have more children – at least among the Hadza, a group of hunter-gatherers in Tanzania.
研究人員已經發現,嗓音低沉的男性- 較多子女,至少坦尚尼亞的哈德薩族- 一個以狩獵採集維生的部落是如此。-

According to background information in an article published online for the Dec. 22 edition of Biology Letters, most women in Western societies find lower-pitched male voices more attractive, judging them healthier and more masculine. Meanwhile, men find higher-pitched voices more appealing.
根據12月22日《生物學通訊》網路版刊- 的一篇論文的背景資料,大多數西方- 社會的女性認為,聲音較低沉的男性- 迷人,認定他們更健康,也更有男子- 概。同時,男性認為比較高尖的嗓音- 更有吸引力。

The evolutionary reasons for reproductive success are difficult to discover in a society that uses modern birth control methods. The Hadza use no birth control and choose their own spouses; this makes them what the researchers call a “natural fertility population” where hypotheses about human reproductive success can be tested.
在使用現代避孕法的社會,難以發現- 做人」成功在演化層面的理由。哈德- 族不避孕且自己選擇配偶,使他們成- 為研究人員說的「自然生育人口」,- 以檢定有關人類「做人」成功的假設-

Researchers collected voice recordings and reproductive histories from 49 men and 52 women to determine if voice pitch might affect the number of children.
研究人員收錄49名男性和52名女性的聲- ,並採集個人生育資料,藉以判斷音- 調高低是否影響子女數量。

After controlling for age, voice pitch was a highly accurate predictor of the number of children a man fathered, and those with deeper voices fathered significantly more. The researchers estimated that voice quality alone could account for 42 percent of the variance in men’s reproductive success. The quality of women’s voices was unrelated to how many children they had.
控制年齡因素後,根據音調,可以非- 準確預測一名男子的子女數目,嗓音- 低沉的男性明顯有較多子女。研究人- 員估計,單是音質就能解釋男性「做- 」成功中42%的差異。女性的音質則與- 女數量無關。

The reasons that a lower-pitched voice gives a man a greater chance of producing many offspring are not clear, but the researchers make several suggestions. Deep-voiced men might have more mates, healthier mates or shorter intervals between births; perhaps they start reproducing at an earlier age.
嗓音較為低沉,使男性更能有許多子- 的原因不明,但研究人員有幾項聯想- 嗓音低沉的男性或許擁有較多性伴侶- 、比較健康的性伴侶或較短的生育間- ;也許他們在更年輕時就開始生育。

Coren Apicella, the lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate in biological anthropology at Harvard, said the findings “might not actually translate to anything in our society about reproductive benefit.” We look at many traits when choosing mates, she noted.
研究主要作者、哈佛大學體質人類學- 士候選人柯倫‧艾比切拉表示,研究- 發現「恐怕無法確實轉化成人類社會- 裡任何繁殖優勢。」她指出,我們選- 配偶時會考慮很多特質。

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The Dance of Evolution, or How Art Got Its Start


By Natalie Angier

What is the evolutionary value of art and why do we humans spend so much time at it? At a symposium at the University of Michigan in October, Ellen Dissanayake, an independent scholar affiliated with the University of Washington, Seattle, offered her sweeping thesis, nimbly blending familiar themes with the radically new. By her reckoning impulse is a human birthright, a trait so ancient, universal and persistent that it is almost surely innate.
藝術在進化上有何價值,人類又為何- 費這麼多時間在藝術上?10 月在密西根大學一場座談會上,西雅- 華盛頓大學特任教授、獨立學者艾倫- 狄桑艾亞卡靈巧融合熟悉的主題和激- 進的新觀念,提出令人折服的論文。- 照她的估計,藝術衝動是人類與生俱- 的權利,是一項非常古早、普遍且持- 續的特質,幾乎可以斷定是天生的。

But while some researchers have suggested that our artiness arose accidentally, as a byproduct of large brains that evolved to solve problems and were easily bored, Ms. Dissanayake argues that the creative drive has all the earmarks of being an adaptation on its own. The making of art consumes enormous amounts of time and resources, she observed, an extravagance you wouldn’t expect of an evolutionary afterthought.
某些研究者指出,人類產生藝術特質- 個意外,是大腦進化解決問題後容易- 得無聊的附帶產物,狄桑艾亞卡則主- 張,創作驅動力本身就具有自我調適- 所有特徵。她說,藝術創作耗費龐大- 時間和資源,人類在演化過程中不可- 能有此大手筆的餘裕。

What might that deep-seated purpose of art-making be? Geoffrey Miller and other theorists have proposed that art serves as a sexual display, a means of flaunting one’s talented palette of genes. Again, Ms. Dissanayake has other ideas. To contemporary Westerners, she said, art may seem detached from the real world. But among traditional cultures and throughout most of human history, she said, art has also been a profoundly communal affair, of harvest dances, religious pageants, quilting bees, the passionate town rivalries that gave us the spires of Chartres, Reims and Amiens.
根深柢固的藝術創作意圖會是什麼?- 弗瑞‧米勒和其他理論家曾提一說,- 為藝術是性的誇示,是炫耀某人創作- 基因的一種方式。狄桑艾亞卡再度提- 不同見解。她說,對當代西方人而言- 藝術看起來可能抽離現實世界。但她- 說,在傳統文化之間,以及在人類大- 分歷史裡,藝術也一直是一種深入社- 的活動,豐收舞,宗教慶典,拼布聚- 會,充滿激情的城鎮對抗甚至給了我- 夏特勒、蘭斯和亞眠的尖塔。

Art, she and others have proposed, did not arise to spotlight the few, but rather to summon the many to come join the parade. Through singing, dancing, painting, telling fables and otherwise engaging in what Ms. Dissanayake calls “artifying,” people can be quickly and ebulliently drawn together, and even strangers persuaded to treat one another as kin. Through the harmonic magic of art, the relative weakness of the individual can be traded up for the strength of the hive, cohered into a social unit ready to take on the world.
她和另外幾位學者說,藝術的興起並- 是為了凸顯少數個人,而是號召多數- 加入活動行列。經由歌唱、舞蹈、繪- 畫、講古和狄桑艾亞卡稱為「藝術化- 的其他活動,人們興高采烈地快速聚- 一起,甚至陌生人都受感召而像家人- 般彼此相待。透過藝術那種不可思議- 和諧力量,個人相對的脆弱可以換成- 體的力量,凝聚成一個準備對抗世界- 的社會單位。

As David Sloan Wilson, an evolutionary theorist at Binghamton University, said, the only social elixir of comparable strength is religion, another impulse that spans cultures and time.
如同賓漢頓大學演化理論學家大衛‧- 隆‧威爾森所說,唯一具有與此相同- 量的社會萬靈丹是宗教,宗教是另一- 個跨越文化和時代的驅動力。

Perhaps the most radical element of Ms. Dissanayake’s evolutionary framework is her idea about how art got its start. She suggests that many of the basic phonemes of art, the stylistic conventions and tonal patterns, can be traced back to the most primal of collusions – the intimate interplay between mother and child.
狄桑艾亞卡所提演化架構中最激進的- 素,或許是她對藝術如何開始的見解- 依她設想,藝術的許多基本元素、風- 格傳統和調性模式,都可追溯至最原- 的親密關係:母子間的親密互動。

After studying hundreds of hours of interactions between infants and mothers from many different cultures, Ms. Dissanayake and her collaborators have identified universal operations that characterize the mother-infant bond. They are visual, gestural and vocal cues that arise spontaneously and unconsciously between mothers and infants: the calls and responses, the widening of the eyes, the exaggerated smile, the repetitions and variations
研究過許多不同文化的數百個小時親- 互動後,狄桑艾亞卡和共同研究者辨- 出母子連心的普遍運作模式,就是母- 親和幼兒之間下意識的自發眼神、手- 和聲音暗示:呼喚與回應,睜大眼睛- 誇張的微笑,以及這些因素的重複和- 變化。

To Ms. Dissanayake, the tightly choreographed rituals that bond mother and child look a lot like the techniques and constructs at the heart of much of our art. “These operations of ritualization, these affiliative signals between mother and infant, are aesthetic operations, too,” she said in an interview. “And aesthetic operations are what artists do. Knowingly or not, when you are choreographing a dance or composing a piece of music, you are formalizing, exaggerating, repeating, manipulating expectation and dynamically varying your theme.”
對狄桑艾亞卡來說,母子相連密切配- 的行為模式,看起來很像人類許多藝- 創作核心的技法和結構。「這些模式- 化的活動,母親與幼兒間親密聯繫的- 號,也是一種藝術的活動。」她接受- 談時表示:「藝術家做的事,正是藝- 術活動。有意或無意,你編排一支舞- 或創作一首曲子時,就是在為你的期- 賦予形式,加以誇飾、重複、操縱,- 並生生不息變化你的主題。」

In art and dance, as in love, if you don’t know the moves, you really can’t fake them.
在藝術和舞蹈,如同愛情,如果你不- 得如何行動,真的連想裝都裝不了。

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In a World of Carnivores, Meat Exacts a Costly Toll

世人皆吃肉 養肉代價高

HERE’S THE BEEF This feed lot in in California can accommodate up to 100,000 head of cattle.

Published: January 27, 2008

A big change in the consumption of a resource that Americans take for granted may be in store – something cheap, plentiful, widely enjoyed and a part of daily life. And it isn’t oil.

It’s meat.

Livestock’s High Energy Costs

The two commodities share a great deal: Like oil, meat is subsidized by the federal government. Like oil, meat is subject to accelerating demand as nations become wealthier, and this, in turn, sends prices higher. Finally – like oil – meat is something people are encouraged to consume less of, as the toll exacted by industrial production increases, and becomes increasingly visible.

The Huge Flow of Animal Waste

Global demand for meat has multiplied in recent years, encouraged by growing affluence and nourished by the proliferation of huge, confined animal feeding operations. These assembly-line meat factories consume enormous amounts of energy, pollute water supplies, generate significant greenhouse gases and require ever-increasing amounts of corn, soy and other grains, a dependency that has led to the destruction of vast swaths of the world’s tropical rain forests.

Beef cattle raised for the Harris Ranch Beef Company, Coalinga, Calif.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, recently announced emergency measures to halt the burning and cutting of the country’s rain forests for crop and grazing land. In the last five months alone, the government says, 1,250 square miles were lost.

The world’s total meat supply was 64 million metric tons in 1961. In 2007, it was estimated to be 258 million metric tons. Per capita consumption has more than doubled over that period. (In the developing world, it rose twice as fast, doubling in the last 20 years.) World meat consumption is expected to double again by 2050, which one expert, Henning Steinfeld of the United Nations, says is resulting in a “relentless growth in livestock production.”

Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about 227 grams a day, roughly twice the global average. At about 5 percent of the world’s population, we “process” (that is, grow and kill) nearly 10 billion animals a year, more than 15 percent of the world’s total.

An estimated 30 percent of the earth’s ice-free land is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production, according to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which also estimates that livestock production generates nearly a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gases – more than transportation.

Grain, meat and even energy are grouped in a way that could have dire results. More meat means an increase in demand for feed, especially corn and soy, which some experts say will contribute to higher prices.

This will be inconvenient for citizens of wealthier nations, but it could have tragic consequences for those of poorer ones, especially if higher prices for feed divert production away from food crops. The demand for ethanol is already pushing up prices, and explains, in part, the 40 percent rise last year in the food price index calculated by the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization.

Though some 800 million people on the planet now suffer from hunger or malnutrition, the majority of corn and soy grown in the world feeds cattle, pigs and chickens. This despite the inherent inefficiencies: about two to five times more grain is required to produce the same amount of calories through livestock as through direct grain consumption, according to Rosamond Naylor, a professor of economics at Stanford University in California. It is as much as 10 times more in the case of grain-fed beef in the United States.

The environmental impact of growing so much grain for animal feed is profound. Agriculture in the United States – much of which now serves the demand for meat – contributes to nearly three-quarters of all water-quality problems in the nation’s rivers and streams.

Because the stomachs of cattle are meant to digest grass, not grain, cattle raised industrially thrive only in the sense that they gain weight quickly. This diet made it possible to remove cattle from their natural environment and encourage the efficiency of mass confinement and slaughter. But it causes enough health problems that administration of antibiotics is routine, so much so that it can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the usefulness of medicines that treat people. It also leads to tainted meat. A California meat company this month issued the largest beef recall in United States history, about 65 million kilograms.

Experts say it is unlikely price spikes will change eating habits, but perhaps the combination of deforestation, pollution, climate change, starvation, heart disease and animal cruelty will gradually encourage the simple daily act of eating more plants and fewer animals.

Mark W. Rosegrant, director of environment and production technology at the nonprofit International Food Policy Research Institute, says he foresees “a stronger public relations campaign in the reduction of meat consumption – one like that around cigarettes – emphasizing personal health, compassion for animals, and doing good for the poor and the planet.”

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Out of Miami’s Beach Party, a Cultural Oasis Takes Root 邁阿密海灘藝術季 文化綠洲扎根 Reflection of a visitor to the Rubell Family Collection in the Wynwood Art District is seen in an untitled work by Anselm Reyle. By JULIA CHAPLIN Published: February 3, 2008 The art and cocktail bacchanal known as Art Basel Miami Beach was still three months away, but that didn’t stop a hundred artists and their entourages from cramming into a raw and unoccupied restaurant in Miami’s Design District last fall. Red Bull and vodka flowed freely. A noise band jammed so loudly that it seemed to disturb the entire neighborhood. A gang of artists suspended a two-meter-long digital timer from the ceiling that counted down the milliseconds left in the party. 藝術與雞尾酒饗宴「邁阿密海灘巴塞爾藝術博覽會」還要等三個月後才登場,但這無礙一百名藝術家及隨行者去秋到「邁阿密設計專區」,擠進一家看來原始、空蕩蕩的餐廳裡。「紅牛」與伏特加免費暢飲。一個嘈雜的合唱團即興演奏,聲音之大,吵死整個社區。一票藝術家將一個兩公尺長的數位計時器從天花板垂掛而下,讓博覽會的文化派對展開毫秒倒數計時。 A Year-Round Art Party in Miami At the same time, another crowd had gathered at World Class Boxing, an old gym in a strip mall about 20 blocks away that had been delicately transformed by art collectors into a gallery. Guests admired works by international artists like Jim Lambie and Olafur Eliasson as more drinks flowed – this time from the gallery owners’ private wine label. 同一時間,另有一票人聚集在20條街外的「世界級拳擊」。那是個老體育館,在一個迷你商場裡,藝藏家精心改建成畫廊。觥籌交錯中,賓客欣賞著國際級藝術家如吉姆.蘭比與歐拉佛.艾里亞森的作品,這回喝的是畫廊主人的私藏葡萄酒。 Miami, Fla. Since Art Basel Miami Beach touched down on this city’s palm- and condo-strewn shores six years ago, a contemporary art wave has swept across Miami like a tropical storm. Art is everywhere, from the walls of boutique hotels where works by young art stars have replaced the stark minimalism of the 1990s, to what might be the nation’s first contemporary art shopping mall, the Aventura Mall. 邁阿密海灘巴塞爾藝術博覽會六年前在這個城市散布著棕櫚與獨門獨院建築的海岸登陸以來,一股當代藝術浪潮宛如熱帶風暴席捲全邁阿密。從精品飯店牆上,年輕藝術新銳的作品,取代1990年代的純粹極簡風,到可能是全美第一個當代藝術購物商場「冒險商場」,此間可說無處不藝術。 So if you missed all the hullabaloo of Art Basel, with its 43,000 visitors, countless receptions and exhibits crammed into four days in early December, not to worry. A dizzying amount of art and its whimsical after-parties now rages on all season long. 因此,要是你錯過巴塞爾博覽會的熱鬧,未能成為12月初4天內無數酒會、展覽與43,000名參觀者的一員,別擔心,後面還有數不清的藝術與別開生面的會後派對續攤一整季。 “Every gallery and institution plans their best shows during Art Basel,” said Terence Riley, the director of the Miami Art Museum. “But they generally stay up for a few months afterwards. It’s a secret time to see international, museum-quality art.” 「邁阿密藝術博物館」館長泰倫斯‧萊里說:「每家藝廊與中心在巴塞爾博覽會期間端出最好的展覽,但通常會後還會待上幾個月。這是欣賞國際博物館級藝術的私密時間。」 Miami has matured from a fleeting, shallow art showcase into an unlikely cultural oasis. 邁阿密已從一個短暫、淺薄的藝術櫥窗,蛻變成似假還真的文化綠洲。 “The Miami art scene is somewhere between young adulthood and late adolescence,” Mr. Riley said. “It’s no longer a kid, but it’s still happy-go-lucky and trying to figure out what it wants to do with its future.” 萊里說:「邁阿密的藝術景象,有點介於年輕人與17、18歲青少年之間。它不再是個孩子,而且還優哉游哉盤算未來要做什麼。」 Now there are some 70 galleries and counting, from upstarts like the Spinello Gallery and David Castillo Gallery, to internationally regarded galleries like Fredric Snitzer, Kevin Bruk and Emmanuel Perrotin. Tucked between tire shops and clothing wholesalers, their concrete facades are freshly painted in purples, pinks and charcoals – giving the area the feeling of a bohemian frontier, where idiosyncratic experiments in art and commerce are possible because of cheap rents, too much space and plenty of parking. Perhaps not surprisingly, the quality of the work is uneven, ranging from captivating to horribly clichéd. 目前當地約有70家畫廊,從暴富的「史比尼洛畫廊」、「大衛‧卡斯提留畫廊」,到國際知名的「佛雷德里克‧史尼澤」、「凱文‧布魯克」、「艾曼紐‧帕洛汀」畫廊。夾在輪胎店與服飾批發店之間,這些混凝土外牆重新粉刷成紫色、粉紅與木炭色的畫廊,給整個地區一種波希米亞的感覺,因為租金低、空間大、停車位多,特殊的藝術與商業實驗變成可能。這點或許並不意外,作品品質參差,令人驚豔與老套陳腐者雜陳。 Since Art Basel was first held in 2002, Miami artists have been snapped up by galleries in New York, Tokyo and Berlin. Hernan Bas, for example – Miami-born and known for his romantic, vaguely homoerotic paintings – now exhibits at Daniel Reich in New York and Saatchi Gallery in London and is part of MoMA’s permanent collection. And last November three Miami artists – Bert Rodriguez, William Cordova and Adler Guerrier – were chosen for the Whitney Biennial, giving the budding scene a high-profile imprimatur. 巴塞爾博覽會從2002年首展至今,邁阿密藝術家在紐約、東京、柏林畫廊眼中一直很搶手。邁阿密出生,以浪漫、曖昧的同性戀繪畫著稱的赫南‧巴斯是其中一位。他的作品目前在紐約的「丹尼爾‧萊克」與倫敦的「薩奇藝廊」展出,並獲美國紐約現代美術館永久收藏。去年11月,柏特‧羅德里蓋茲、威廉‧柯杜瓦、艾德勒‧葛瑞爾三位邁阿密藝術家獲選在「惠特尼雙年展」展出,給這些才華初露的藝術家高度肯定。 Not insignificantly, the art scene also has the support of Miami developers and real estate brokers, who offer free space to young artists and gallery owners for exhibitions as a way of adding cachet to marginal neighborhoods. 重要的是,這藝術景象同時獲得邁阿密開發商與房地產仲介支持。他們提供免費的空間給年輕藝術家與畫廊辦展,藉此拉抬邊際地區的房價。 “Bank towers, unsold condos, empty office spaces, you name it,” said Nick Lobo, a sculptor in his late 20s. After all, many of the local art collectors are also real estate developers, among them Don and Mera Rubell, Craig Robins and Marty Margulies. 年近30的雕刻家尼克‧羅波說:「銀行大樓、待售的獨門獨院建築、空辦公室,任君挑選。」畢竟,當地的藝藏家不乏房地產開發商,其中包括「唐 & 米拉‧魯貝爾」、「柯雷格‧羅賓斯」、「瑪提‧馬古利斯」。 Even on nights when there are no receptions, the art party rages. At midnight on a recent Friday, a crowd had gathered at Circa 28, a low-key bar that opened in December. 即使沒有招待會的夜晚,藝術派對還是熱熱鬧鬧。最近一個星期五半夜,一群人聚集在去年12月開張的一家低調酒吧「大約28」內。 It happened to be during the Art Basel fair, but there was not a dressed-up socialite or dark-suited corporate sponsor in sight. Abstract paintings hung crookedly on the walls, and young artists sat languidly under a bookshelf – in marked contrast to the hedonistic, nightclubs of South Beach. Outside on the deserted sidewalk, a truck pulled up and opened its flatbed to reveal a portable art exhibit and D.J. booth that began to play lounge music. 當時是巴塞爾博覽會展覽期間,但舉目不見盛裝的社交名媛,或穿深色西裝的企業贊助商。抽象畫歪歪斜斜掛在牆上,年輕藝術家懶洋洋坐在書架下,與南灘夜總會的歡樂氣氛大異其趣。在空無一人的人行道上,一輛卡車靠邊停,打開它的平台,露出移動式藝術展品與D. J.設備,開始播放沙發音樂。 Soon people trickled out of the bar, beers and all. A police car was parked a block away but seemed uninterested. A good clean party is tolerated here, almost protected, in a neighborhood with a history of more serious crime. 很快,三三兩兩有人走出酒吧,還有啤酒等。一輛警車停在一條街外,但顯得無動於衷。在這個重大犯罪時有所聞的社區,乾淨優質派對是容許而且幾乎受到保護的。 關鍵字句 文章主要說明每年12月在邁阿密舉行的巴塞爾藝術博覽會(Art Basel Miami Beach)的歡樂氣氛,說明它是一場藝術與雞尾酒饗宴(the art and cocktail bacchanal),而藝博會六年不間斷舉行,也讓文化綠洲(cultural oasis)開始在當地落地生根(take root)。 當地目前約有70家畫廊林立於商街中,醒目的油漆外觀(facade),予人波希米亞區(bohemian frontier)的感覺。而因為當地房租便宜(cheap rent),空間多,不必擔心停車問題,無論藝術或商業,任何特殊風格與表現手法的實驗(idiosyncratic experiment),在當地可行性均高。 藝博會同時捧紅不少邁阿密藝術家,赫南‧巴斯是其一。他的同性戀繪畫(homoerotic painting)受到紐約、東京、柏林藝廊搶購(snap up)。 

No Need to Wait for Art Basel. It's an Art Fair All Year Long.

Miami’s go-go art scene is no longer confined to the four-day December circus known as Art Basel Miami Beach. Galleries, private collections and alternative spaces are popping up faster than weeds, particularly in the Wynwood Art District and the Design District. Here are a few places to view art-fair caliber works all season long.


The Rubell Family Collection (95 Northwest 29th Street; 305-573-6090; seems to get bigger and more impressive every year. Housed in an austere warehouse formerly owned by the Drug Enforcement Agency, the collection recently added a leafy sculpture garden. Check out the wondrous videos by the Miami-based artist Hernan Bas, alongside works by the European artists Urs Fischer and Anselm Reyle, until May 31.

For emerging young artists, check out Twenty Twenty (2020 Northwest Miami Court, second floor; 786-217-7683;, a year-old alternative space on a dodgy industrial stretch. It has generated much buzz for its high-grade talent and festive openings.

The Parisian gallery Emmanuel Perrotin has a satellite location in a former refrigerator warehouse (194 Northwest 30th Street; 305-573-2130; Works by the sculptor Peter Coffin and the French installation artist Tatiana Trove are on view.

Anthony Spinello, 25, runs the jewel-box-size Spinello Gallery (2294 Northwest Second Avenue; 786-271-4223;, with trendy openings that often feature graffiti and graphic artists.

Andreina Fuentes, owner of Hardcore Art Contemporary Space (3326 North Miami Avenue; 305-576-1645; fills the space with works centered around social and political issues and pop culture.


You can see tomorrow’s art stars at the Bas Fisher Invitational (180 Northeast 39th Street, Suite 210), a so-called “no profit” gallery devoted to edgy, non-commercial work, started by the local artists Hernan Bas and Naomi Fisher.

The low-key Moore Space (4040 Northeast Second Avenue; 305-438-1163; has exquisitely curated contemporary art shows, thanks to the deep pockets of one of its patrons, Rosa de la Cruz. “French Kissin’,” an exhibit of emerging French artists, is on view until March 8.

For a mix of art, fashion and music, stop by Nektar De Stagni’s Shop (155 Northeast 38th Street; 786-556-3033;, a boudoir-esque boutique run by the local fashion designer and D.J. An adjoining studio is used by the artist Martin Oppel, who is also her boyfriend.


Circa 28 (2826 North Miami Avenue; 305-722-1858;, a bar in Wynwood, is decorated like a gentlemen’s club and is often the spot for after-parties and impromptu musical performances by visiting bands like the Brazilian Girls and Rapture.

To dance with Miami’s young art intelligentsia, hop over to Poplife (, the Saturday night party held at the White Room (1306 North Miami Avenue; 305-995-5050;, a sleek club that opened in December on the edge of Overtown, an up-and-coming night-life district.

The trendy Japanese bistro Domo Japones (4000 Northeast Second Avenue; 305-573-5474) draws a post-opening crowd with innovative dishes like black edamame, and mirin-glazed short ribs. Dinner, about $75 for two including wine, is served until midnight.

Lost and Found Saloon (185 Northwest 36th Street; 305-576-1008; is a popular pit stop for gallery hoppers and paint-splattered artists. The laid-back cafe has a campy, frontiersman décor and serves Southwestern fare like “posse energy burritos” ($6.75) and piñon-and-pepita-crusted tofu ($9.25).

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前美國副總統高爾與李奧納多(茹素),出席奧斯卡提倡「不願面對的真相」(An Inconvenient Truth),而該影片主題為全球暖化議題。主張環境保護運動以來,高爾在片說出地球危機,並疾呼保護地球的重要。他指出:「我們現在確實面臨到越來越嚴重的地球,因而我們必須大膽、迅速及明智地做出反應。」










如何應對全球暖化問題日趨嚴重的局勢?英國環境部長賓布萊德蕭(Ben Bradshaw)最近在英國政府啟用新的公眾服務網站(Directgov)時向大眾警告,如果氣候變化繼續失控,英國民眾可能恢復到第二次世界大戰時期糧食配額供給的生活型態,布萊德蕭指出食物生產過程對溫室效應的影響等同於私人交通運輸所產生的影響,飲食中去掉肉類的消耗是穩定氣候變化的長久之計。

這個英國政府新設置的網站(中說:「肉類與奶製品的生產對氣候變暖及對環境的其他影響遠大於大多數的穀類、豆類與蔬菜水果的生產所起的作用。少肉多蔬果將使許多人獲益。」但英國嚴格素食協會新聞中心主任Rosamund Raha表示,「很高興政府至少已發現吃肉與奶製品會對氣候與環境產生破壞,但期待政府鼓勵提倡最有益於環境的嚴格素食。」

為滿足肉食的口欲,需要消耗更多的能量和土地來飼養各種家畜、家禽。根據美國哈佛大學營養學家估算,生產一磅牛肉或羊肉需要8磅的穀類作飼料。換言之,如果美國人近10年少消耗10%的肉食,則省下的穀物能夠讓6億人吃飽。據統計,為飼養家畜要消耗掉2/3以上的耕地;地球上人為產生的甲烷中,畜牧業就佔16%,而甲烷正是產生溫室效應的主要氣體之一。綜合看,肉類的生產、包裝、運輸和烹飪所消耗的能量比植物性食物要多得多,其對引發地球溫室效應所佔人類行為的比重高達25%,而飛機所造成的溫室效應僅佔2% 。可以說食用肉類是繼運輸和房屋耗能後發現的又一大導致氣候反常的主要因素。


現在最新研究發現(2007年12月),北極融冰速度比先前預測的快得多,上述情況可能 提早到2012年出現! 去年才有科學家提出警告,依照現今的全球暖化速度估算!



NASA 氣候報導 請看以下連結:



根據美國太空總署(NASA) 本周最新的氣候研究, NASA 的氣象學家對外宣佈北冰洋的融冰速度將導致在 2012 年出現無冰現象。 NASA 氣候變化研究小組的茨瓦利說北冰洋冰層融化速度大大超於去年的預測,NASA 的首席氣象學韓森聲稱儘早行動,我們就能挽回這一切。 ( )

聯合國2006 年氣候變暖報告中指出畜牧業養殖產生的溫室氣體遠遠多於汽車和卡車產生的。聯合國糧食及農業組織高級官員亨甯 · 施泰因費爾德 : "畜牧生產是造成當今最嚴重環境問題的最大責任方之一"。


希望這個世界的領袖都能傾聽,並帶頭成為素食者。但即使你不是世界領袖,你也可以改變自己,並試著影響別人,每多一個人吃素,這 世界就多一份希望!





法新社( 2008/1/16):









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Planting the Soul of Lyon in the Dubai Desert


A scene from Lyon, France, a city which Buti Saeed al-Ghandi, an entrepreneur from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, hopes to replicate in part in his homeland. “I also fell in love again with my wife there,” he explained, “and that’s also why I love Lyon.”

Published: January 28, 2008

LYON, France – Strolling the streets of Lyon with his wife last October, Buti Saeed al-Ghandi was suddenly overcome by a double wave of love, for the city and for his spouse.

So Mr. Ghandi, a 40-year-old entrepreneur, decided to capture the magic of the moment by building a little Lyon – back home in Dubai.

“I travel all around the world, and Lyon is one of those places that make you feel different,” Mr. Ghandi said in a telephone interview. “The people do not live at a fast pace of life. There is an intimacy with visitors. There is so much history and culture, the small streets, the small shops, the old houses. I also fell in love again with my wife there, and that’s also why I love Lyon.”

Certainly Lyon – with its two rivers, its Gallic-Roman ruins, its 300 Renaissance merchant houses and its gastronomic reputation – is special, even in France.

In early January Mr. Ghandi, chairman of Emirates Investment and Development, signed a deal with Lyon’s mayor and several local entities to embark on a grand architectural adventure for Dubai, one of the seven principalities that make up the United Arab Emirates.

The project, temporarily called Lyon-Dubai City, will include a university; museums; housing, hotel and office space; cafes, restaurants, pedestrian malls, town squares, courtyards, a film center, maybe even a church, all inspired by Lyon, France’s third-largest city with a population of about 450,000. As of now, little Lyon will cover 300 to 400 hectares.

The Paul Bocuse Institute is hoping to set up a branch to train young chefs and restaurant and hotel managers. The Museum of Textiles is poised to open a silk museum. Research is under way to cool outdoor spaces naturally to make strolling bearable during dust storms and 40-degree heat.

What the project must not do, its participants insist, is clone Lyon.

“This will not be Disneyland or Las Vegas,” said Jean-Paul Lebas, the project’s planner, who helped rebuild Beirut after Lebanon’s civil war. “We have to make people feel that they are there without copying the architecture of Lyon – that is the challenge. The social will be more important than the physical. The smiles seen on the faces of others will come first. I know it’s a bit virtual, but if one succeeds. ...” Mayor Gérard Collomb was more direct. “We will give Dubai the soul of Lyon,” he said.

Then there is the issue of alcohol and pork, both forbidden under Islam. Pork-based charcuterie is a staple of Lyon’s traditional gastronomy, while wine is crucial to French dining.

For Mr. Ghandi, there should be no gastronomic or alcoholic censure. “It’s not an issue,” he said. “We are an international city in Dubai. You give people the freedom to do what they like to do.”

Not everyone in Lyon is convinced of the wisdom of the project, though.

“It’s hard for me to imagine how you can capture the soul of the city,” said Jacques Lasfargues, an archaeologist and the chief curator at the Museum of Gallic-Roman Civilization.

Mayor Collomb will not be deterred. “Dubai already has built ski slopes and islands,” he said. “And if you can do that, you can make rivers.”

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Time:5:46 a.m.

Weather report:毛毛細雨



首先,輕輕給它來上一口...嗯~~~軟嫩黏稠,口感有點像「酪梨」!雖然是固體,但是軟稠的感覺真的是滿像的!甜度:43%(不怎麼高的甜度,但是還是嚐得到些微的甜蜜。) 味道:說起來您也許會覺得怪怪地,但是我好像嚐到『木板』的木香味耶!



實體通路:台中亞森洋果子、city super超市、新光三越超市。




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經濟省錢 中藥泡澡方





































轉載自 常春樂活

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將滑鼠放在相片上, 慢慢由下而上,再由上而下,
你就可見到日出 、日落 和迷人的夜景。

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靜靜地欣賞鬍子先生的作品…..會感覺世界真的 ~ 好美 ~ 好寧靜安詳 ~ 舞 寧靜 迷霧 浮雲 花 海濤 水 花好月圓 朵雲 雪 冬日午后的陽光 台東 花蓮 情境之旅 挑戰 晨霧 夜






23-Kitty's house :



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轉載自 ELLE

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Reindeer Herders in Finland On Front Line of Wolf Wars


By Stephen Castle

SUOMUSSALMI, Finland – Close to the tiny Finnish village of Saaravaara, bloody tracks lead through the snow to the frozen carcass of an 8-month-old male reindeer lying on its side, its neck torn, its underbelly ripped open.

Saaravaara, near the Russian border, is reindeer country.

Within minutes, Ilmari Schepel, a local agriculture official, identified the culprit: a wolf. His evidence was the shape of the bite to the animal’s throat and the belly tear; wolves are particularly fond of reindeer intestines.

This town, a 20-minute drive from Finland’s border with Russia and more than 605 kilometers northeast of Helsinki, is on the front line of Finland’s wolf wars. The fight is between backers of European Union regulations, which are meant to halt sharp drops in the population of wolves and other endangered predators across Europe, and the roughly 7,000 reindeer herders whose livelihoods are threatened by increased attacks on their animals.

Finland, which joined the European Union in 1995, came under criticism that its hunting practices did not mesh with European habitat directives. So in 2001, the Finnish government tightened its hunting laws to meet European Union standards. Finnish law now states that every kill must be covered by a permit and restricts the number of permits to about 10 percent of a particular predator’s known numbers.

Seven years later, the populations of wolves, lynxes, brown bears and wolverines in Finland have grown substantially, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Helsinki. In this area, the number of wolves has roughly tripled since 1996, and attacks on reindeer herds have increased more than threefold in the past 10 years.

The level of anger about the hunting restrictions is high here. In one telling example, Stavros Dimas, the European environment commissioner who insisted on the hunting crackdown to protect the endangered predators, received a bullet in his mailbox from an irate hunter.

Asko Moilanen, 40, a third-generation herder, said that because of his losses to predators over the past three years, his income from reindeer has been reduced to almost nothing. “Either we should be allowed to hunt or they should pay compensation for the real losses,” he said. “It affects my whole life and my family.”

Mr. Moilanen, who is married with four children, depends on his wife’s earnings to make a living. “The people are poor here, but I am a beggar. Last year on my tax return, I declared just 100 dollars earned from herding.”

Herders complain that state compensation for lost reindeer – each carcass fetches about $439 – is inadequate because it fails to take account the remains of those that are never found. The Agriculture and Forestry Ministry says the herders are fairly compensated.

In much of Finland, reindeer hold a hallowed place in the collective imagination. Farther north toward the Arctic Circle, Lapland is the supposed home of Santa Claus and his flying reindeer. Less sentimental Finns enjoy eating reindeer: fried, sautéed, smoked or cold.

Before Finnish law was amended in 2001, there were few restrictions on hunting of predators here.

For its part, the European Commission insists that, under the European Habitats Directive, wolves have the right to be protected. “Men and wolves have lived together for centuries, and there is no reason why they should not continue to do so,” said Barbara Helfferich, a spokeswoman for Mr. Dimas, the European environment commissioner. “We need to ensure coexistence and protect the species according to the law.”

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The Hottest Sex Show In Paris: The Library

巴黎圖書館 最辣春宮秀

By Elaine Sciolino
A teaser in the closed Croix Rouge train station in Paris for the show “Hell at the Library, Eros in Secret” can provide commuters a fleeting glimpse of erotic engravings lighted up in shocking pink.

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Published: January 16, 2008

PARIS – The lighting is bordello red, but the librarians insist that their X-rated exhibition is serious.

A museumgoer peeks inside one of the exhibits. No one under 16 is admitted.

“Hell at the Library, Eros in Secret,” which opened at the National Library here last month, offers a look at its secret archive of erotic art, putting on display more than 350 sexually explicit literary works, manuscripts, engravings, lithographs, photographs, film clips, even calling cards and cardboard pop-ups.

Visitors to the library can listen to a modern-day recording of an 18th-century “dialogue” during sex (simultaneous orgasms included) and watch a six-minute excerpt from a black-and-white silent pornography film made in 1921 (one man, two women, intriguing lingerie).

The handwritten manuscript of the Marquis de Sade’s novel “Les Infortunes de la Vertu” (“The Misfortunes of Virtue”) is under glass here, as are 17th-century French engravings of “erotic postures”; English “flagellation novels” exported to France in the late 19th century; Man Ray photographs; and a police report from 1900 that compiles the addresses of Paris’s houses of prostitution and what they charged.

Sadism, masochism, bestiality, inflated genitalia and the most imaginative sexual fantasies and athletic poses are given their due. To avoid complaints that a publicly supported institution is corrupting the country’s youth, no one under 16 is admitted.

“In an era where sexual images are a product for popular consumption, the library has decided to lift the veil on this world of imagination and fantasy,” Bruno Racine, the library director, said in an interview. “The library is a very serious institution, and the project was done with gravity. But we also perhaps are different from what you think – and there is humor here too.”

Until now, the only outsiders allowed to view the vast erotica collection of about 2,000 works were legitimate researchers. Certainly the public has responded. The exhibition is one of the most popular in years. It takes an hour to get in.

The items, on display through March 22, are drawn from a permanent collection created in the 1830s when the library isolated works considered “contrary to good morals.” They were put in a locked section and given the name L’Enfer – hell. Many pieces have been consigned there over the years by the police.

The exhibition comes at a time when France is struggling with a variety of societal issues: the limits of privacy for its public figures, censorship and the definition of good taste. A one-day scholarly conference at the library about the exhibition included a debate on the meaning of modern-day censorship.

Paris seems proud of the library show. The Paris metro system constructed an advertising teaser for it on its No. 10 line. Commuters passing by the closed Croix Rouge station get the most fleeting of glimpses of erotic engravings lighted up in shocking pink and partly hidden behind fluttering black curtain strips.

The newspaper Le Monde has run ads for the show (with a shocking-pink X) on its front page. The literary review Le Magazine Littéraire devoted its December cover to the subject, with scholarly essays on sex and aging, the last taboo of pedophilia and whether excessive public display of sex has made it boring.

Still, with France’s tough laws against pornography and one of the most aggressive law-enforcement campaigns against child pornography in Europe, the library has taken care to avoid falling afoul of the law, like Henry-Claude Cousseau, director of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Mr. Cousseau is facing charges of exhibiting works of “a violent pornographic nature,” in a modern-art exhibition in a Bordeaux museum in 2000. One painting depicted a young girl, wearing heavy makeup, in a bath; a video showed a girl in a graphic masturbation scene. If convicted, Mr. Cousseau faces a fine of $110,000 and up to three years in prison.

A wall display of vintage advertisements for prostitutes. “There is humor here too,” said Bruno Racine, the library director.

The library show is not the only one in Paris with sexually explicit material. An animated film that includes sexual intercourse and violence was being screened at “Sots Art – Political Art in Russia Since 1972,” at the Maison Rouge museum and gallery near the Place de la Bastille. There are no posted warnings, but a lot of very curious children.

“Hell at the Library, Eros in Secret” runs through March 22 at the National Library of France, Site François-Mitterrand, Quai François-Mauriac, 13th Arrondissement,


巴黎擁有舉世聞名的瘋馬、紅磨坊和麗都三大名秀,本文標題卻說巴黎最火辣的春宮秀(the hottest sex show)在圖書館,而且是國家圖書館,展場燈光還是紅燈區妓院門口的那種紅(bordello red)。

翻譯往往涉及語言文化差異,展覽名稱即為一例。Hell at the Library,望文生義,可以衍生出「萬惡淫為首」、「色字頭上一把刀」等和「地獄」有關的聯想,還正好和後面秘藏的情慾(Eros in Secret)押韻。

根據大導演奇士勞斯基遺留劇本拍攝的電影叫做L'Enfer,英譯片名是The Hell,中文取了個《奇士勞斯基之地獄》。與法文enfer對應的英文是inferno,源於義大利文,也是但丁《神曲》(The Divine Comedy)其中一篇的篇名。

終究得回歸原文來判斷。經查,enfer在法文字典裡大概有七種意義,前六種都和英文理解的hell差不多,包括罪惡、詛咒、折磨,但是最後一個解釋出現玄機:這個字和圖書館連用的時候,意指存放禁書的區域(section with books forbidden to the public)。翻譯的關卡至此豁然貫通。


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In Japan, Purists Fret at the Rise of the Cellphone Novel

Japan’s younger generation came of age with the cellphone, and created its own popular culture by tapping thumbs on keypads.

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Published: January 20, 2008


TOKYO – Until recently, cellphone novels – composed on phone keypads by young women wielding dexterous thumbs and read by fans on their tiny screens – had been dismissed in Japan as a subgenre unworthy of the country that gave the world its first novel, “The Tale of Genji,” a millennium ago.

Then in December, the year-end best-seller tally showed that cellphone novels, republished in book form, have not only infiltrated the mainstream but have come to dominate it.

Of last year’s 10 best-selling novels, five were originally cellphone novels, mostly love stories written in the short sentences characteristic of text messaging but containing little of the plotting or character development found in traditional novels. What is more, the top three spots were occupied by first-time cellphone novelists, touching off a debate.

“Will cellphone novels kill ‘the author’?” a famous literary journal, Bungaku-kai, asked on the cover of its January issue. Fans praised the novels as a new literary genre created and consumed by a generation whose reading habits had consisted mostly of manga, or comic books. Critics said the dominance of cellphone novels, with their poor literary quality, would hasten the decline of Japanese literature.

Whatever their literary talents, cellphone novelists are making the kind of sales that most more experienced novelists only dream of.

Rin, 21, tapped out a novel on her cellphone that sold 400,000 copies in hardcover.

One such star, a 21-year-old woman named Rin, wrote “If You” over a six-month stretch during her senior year in high school. While commuting to her part-time job or in free moments, she tapped out passages on her cellphone and uploaded them on a Web site for would-be authors.

Rin wrote her novel while commuting to her part-time job.

After cellphone readers voted her novel No. 1 in one ranking, her story of the tragic love between two childhood friends was turned into a 142-page hardcover book last year. It sold 400,000 copies and became the No. 5 best-selling novel of 2007, according to a closely watched list by Tohan, a major book distributor.

“My mother didn’t even know that I was writing a novel,” said Rin, who, like many cellphone novelists, goes by only one name.

“So at first when I told her, well, I’m coming out with a novel, she was like, what? She didn’t believe it until it came out and appeared in bookstores,” she added. The cellphone novel was born in 2000 after a home-page-making Web site, Maho noi-rando, realized that many users were writing novels on their blogs; it allowed users to upload works in progress and readers to comment, creating the serialized cellphone novel. But the number of users uploading novels began booming only two to three years ago, and the number of novels listed on the site reached one million in December.

A year ago, one of Starts Publishing’s young cellphone stars, Chaco, gave up her phone even though she could compose much faster with it by tapping with her thumb.

“Because of writing on the cellphone, her nail had cut into the flesh and became bloodied,” said Shigeru Matsushima, an editor at Starts. “Since she’s switched to a computer, her vocabulary’s gotten richer and her sentences have also grown longer.”

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