Work to Do, But Sights To See, Too

工作休閒同步 出差兼顧觀光

By Sharon McDonnell

As work is increasingly intruding on leisure time, many business travelers are finding ways to turn that equation around – combining their travel for work with time for cultural and historical sightseeing.
工作愈來愈侵犯休閒時間,很多商務- 客逐漸找出扭轉那種關係的方法:整- 因公出差的行程和文化歷史觀光的時- 間。

“Cultural tourism can be an extension of business, it’s not just fluff,” said Patricia Martin, a marketing consultant and author of “Ren Gen: Renaissance Generation” (Platinum Press, 2007). “Today, a person’s knowledge is the new currency, and travel and cultural experiences are two of the most enlightening things they can do, enabling them to bring new information and insights into the workplace.”
「文化觀光可以是商務的延伸,並非- 無意義的消遣,」行銷顧問兼《文藝- 興的一代》(白金出版社,2007年)- 者派翠西亞‧馬丁說:「今天,一個- 的知識就是新通貨,他們所能做的事- 情中,旅行和文化體驗最有啟發性,- 使他們把新資訊和深刻的見解帶進職- 。」

Her book describes the rise of what she calls the “cultural consumer,” who joins book clubs, attends concerts and shows a renewed enthusiasm for learning, largely fueled by the Internet and a convergence of business with the arts, education and entertainment.
她的書描述她所謂「文化消費者」的- 起,這類人士加入讀書會、去聽音樂- ,對學習展現新的熱情,而激起這股- 熱情的主要是網路及商業和藝術、教- 、娛樂的合流。

Joyce Sensmeier, a vice president at Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, a trade organization, is one of those cultural consumers. When she traveled to Brisbane, Australia, in late August to attend the World Congress on Health Informatics, it was her first visit to the country. So she tacked on five extra days before the five-day conference to squeeze in a symphony concert of “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff at the Sydney Opera House and a behind-the-scenes tour of the opera house, as well as visits to museums, art galleries and the Royal Botanic Gardens. Ms. Sensmeier also said she took her husband along on the trip.
業界組織「健康照護資訊及管理系統- 會」副總裁喬伊絲‧桑斯梅爾就是那- 文化消費者。她八月下旬前往澳洲布- 里斯班參加世界衛生資訊學大會,那- 她首次訪問澳洲,所以她在五天會期- 前多加五天行程,擠進雪梨歌劇院聆- 賞交響樂團演奏卡爾.奧福的「布蘭- 歌」,並參加歌劇院幕後之旅,還參- 許多博物館、美術館和皇家植物園。- 桑斯梅爾還說,她這次旅行和老公結- 而行。

If Ms. Sensmeier’s business trips resemble vacations, the reverse is true as well. She always brings her laptop, cellphone and BlackBerry on vacation. “It’s really helped me to stay connected without having to be totally immersed in work,” she said about her BlackBerry.
如果桑斯梅爾的商務旅行類似度假,- 過來說也成立。她每次度假總是帶著- 記型電腦、手機和黑莓機。她談到自- 己的黑莓機時說:「它真的幫我和外- 保持連絡,不會完全埋在工作裡。」

Tom Ingrassia, the owner of a talent agency in Holden, Massachusetts, said he and his wife accompanied a client who is a classical organist on a three-day concert tour in Denmark and Sweden, and extended their stay for a three-week tour of both countries. Mr. Ingrassia said they toured the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, Tivoli Gardens Fredericksburg Palace and Viking burial grounds on an island in the Stockholm archipelago.
麻州荷登人力仲介公司老闆湯姆‧英- 拉西亞說,他和太太陪同一個古典風- 演奏家客戶到丹麥和瑞典進行三天音- 樂會行程,順便把停留時間延長為三- 的兩國之旅。英格拉西亞說,他們參- 了安徒生紀念館、堤弗利花園、菲德- 利克斯堡宮,及位於斯德哥爾摩群島- 個小島上的維京墳場。

“It’s soul-satisfying for me, especially because my background is in history,” Mr. Ingrassia said. “Even if you’re on a very focused business trip, I feel you need to see a little bit of the places you’re visiting. It keeps me fresh and alive.”
「那使我的心靈十分滿足,尤其因為- 是學歷史的,」英格拉西亞說:「就- 是進行任務非常明確的商務旅行,我- 也覺得需要稍微看看自己訪問的地方- 那使我神清氣爽,充滿活力。」

As a business owner, he said he had control over his time and schedule, but even during his 25 years as a college administrator, he always tried to reserve personal time. “After umpteen hours a day sitting at student recruitment fairs and conferences, I knew I could look forward to seeing a museum afterward.”
身為公司老闆,他說,他對自己的時- 和行事曆有控制權,但擔任大學行政- 員25年期間,他也總是努力保留個人- 間。「一天花很長的時間坐在招生博- 覽會會場和會議室後,我知道自己可- 滿心期盼之後能去參觀博物館。」

Mary McDonald, a management consultant with her own practice based in Austin, Texas, has managed to combine Oktoberfest festivities in Munich with a business meeting in Stuttgart, three hours away, and a visit to the Louvre in Paris with a meeting in Montpellier, a five-hour drive away. She once added a week of sightseeing to a three-day business trip to Hong Kong for a telecommunications client.
在德州奧斯丁開管理顧問公司的瑪麗- 麥唐納,曾設法把自己參加慕尼黑德- 啤酒節的活動與三小時車程外的司徒- 加商務會議結合,還把參觀巴黎羅浮- 搭上五小時車程外蒙特佩利爾市的會- 行程。她有一次到香港商務旅行三天- ,與一位電信客戶會談,順便加入一- 期的觀光行程。

When about to travel to a destination for the first time, Ms. McDonald said, “I try to make it more interesting, and consider what will appeal to me intellectually and emotionally.”
麥唐納說,去初次造訪的地方時,「- 努力使旅行更有趣,並思考哪些事在- 智和情感上對我有吸引力」。

When Joachim de Posada, a motivational speaker and consultant with offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Miami, was invited to Taiwan by the International Trade Institute to discuss his book, “Don’t Eat the Marshmallow ... Yet! The Secret to Sweet Success in Work and Life,” he asked that a guide meet him on his 6 a.m. arrival. After breakfast, he was then given an early tour of Taipei, including a museum as it opened for the day.
激勵大師、在波多黎各首府聖胡安及- 國邁阿密都有辦公室的顧問喬辛‧迪- 波沙達獲得台灣對外貿易發展協會國- 際企業人才培訓中心邀請,在台灣討- 他的書《先別急著吃棉花糖!工作與- 生得以成功的祕訣》,他要求導遊在- 上午六點他飛抵台灣時與他會合。吃- 早餐後,一早就在台北觀光,包括參- 當天開放的一座博物館。

A diligent student of delayed gratification, Mr. de Posada postponed the nap he ordinarily would have taken after he arrived early in the morning. “Instead of going to my hotel to rest for my speech at 4 p.m., I wanted to see the sights,” he said.
孜孜追尋「延後滿足」的波沙達,推- 他一大早到達一個地方通常會小睡的- 慣,「我沒有到旅館休息,準備下午- 四點的演講,反而跑去觀光,」他說-


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